What to wear

For all aerial classes, please wear clothing that allows your body to move freely. Be prepared to move in bare feet. Backs of knees, waists and armpits should be covered to avoid burns. A leotard or unitard under your T-shirt, or a shirt long enough to stay tucked in are recommended. Avoid clothing that has very hard seams and/or zippers; they may not only damage an apparatus but will also make moving on the apparatus uncomfortable. Avoid clothing that is too loose, as it is likely to get tangled in the equipment. Short shorts, sports bras without a top over them, or mesh leggings may expose you to burns and are not recommended. Please, no necklaces, long earrings, or rings – they make break or get caught in the equipment. Hands and feet should be clean and free of dirt and lotion to keep equipment in good repair and prevent slipping. You may be asked by your instructor to wash up, sit out, or wear something from lost and found if you are not properly prepared for class.

For fabric and rope (corde lisse) classes, it is best to wear snug-fitting pants that expose your lower leg.